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End User License Agreement

ACON End User License Agreement

This End User License Agreement (EULA) is a binding agreement between the Licensee and Carpenstreet Inc. regarding the right to use digital products on ACON.

ACON has allowed the service user to thoroughly review and understand the EULA, and the service user's registration and agreement to ACON's Terms of Use means that he or she has agreed to this agreement.

This EULA is governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea. Additionally, the legal effect of this Agreement is only in the Korean original, and the translated version is for reference only for the user's convenience.

Common Matters

1. “Creation” refers to any work utilizing 3D models, illustrations, fonts, music or sound effect tracks, animations, programs, code, documents, or other digital media works downloaded pursuant to this Agreement.

2. “Digital products” refers to all digital resources used to create “Creation”, including graphics, text, audio, source code, and educational materials.

3. Upon purchasing a digital product from ACON, in accordance with the relevant contract, the Licensee has a worldwide, non-exclusive, lifetime license to download, use, copy, publish, modify, promote, license, sell, publicly perform, publicly display, digitally demonstrate, distribute, and transmit the digital product for personal and commercial purpose

4. “Creation” cannot be produced, distributed, or used for purposes that violate international or domestic laws, ordinances, or regulations.

5. If the Licensee uses the digital product in violation of the terms of use below or transfers, distributes, or resells it in breach of the terms of use, the Licensee may be held legally responsible.

5-1. Transfer, distribution, and resale are not permitted for:

- Entire digital product files;

- Some of the components of digital products;

- Captured and extracted images from digital product files or images that have undergone simple corrections such as color tone and effects after image extraction;

5-2. Shared and enterprise licenses can only be passed to creators who use them directly or indirectly for creation during production.

6. Licensee may modify or use this digital product in conjunction with other digital products. However, the Licensee should hold the license or copyright of all digital products used together.

7. “Personal licenses” refer to licenses used when a digital product is used by only one person.

8. “Shared licenses” and “enterprise licenses” refer to licenses used when there are two or more people directly or indirectly using the digital product during the creation process.

9. “Enterprise licenses” consist of “enterprise licenses (5 times)” and “enterprise licenses (unlimited)” depending on the number of creations using the digital product.

10. “Enterprise licenses (unlimited)” allows the Licensee to use digital products regardless of the number of creations.

10-1. It can only be used if the license purchaser solely owns the copyright of the creation.

10-2. If the purchaser does not fully own the copyright of the creation, the digital product purchased under an “enterprise license (unlimited)” cannot be used for creation.

11. “Assistant” refers to an assistant who receives a request from the copyright owner of a creation and supports outsourcing work or the creation process within a group with the copyright owner.

11-1. If an “assistant” purchases a digital product for creative assistance, such as outsourcing, it should be purchased under a “shared license.”

11-2. If an outsourcing requester purchases a digital product to provide a digital product to an “assistant,” it should be purchased under a “shared license.”

11-3. An “assistant” cannot use the received digital product for creative purposes other than the corresponding request. Any use outside the permitted scope may result in legal liability.

12. Due to the nature of intangible goods, downloaded digital products cannot be refunded.

13. The purchased digital product can be downloaded immediately after payment is completed. However, three months after payment is completed, the buyer is responsible for downloading, storing, and managing the information.


Required information

Usage restrictions

User restrictions

Personal license

Creator name


Purchaser only

Shared license

Team name, business name, creation name

1 time

Limited to creators who use it directly or indirectly for creation within the creation production process

Enterprise license

(5 times)

Team name, business name, creation name

5 times

Limited to creators who use it directly or indirectly for creation within the creation production process

Enterprise license


Team name, business name


Available for purchase if the license purchaser solely owns the copyright of the creation

Limited to creators who use it directly or indirectly for creation within the creation production process

1. “Publication” refers to webcomics, comic books, illustrations, fan art, promotional materials, etc.

2. If there is only one creator, the Licensee should purchase a “personal license”, and if there is another creator group, the Licensee should purchase a “shared license” and “enterprise license.”

2-1. If the creation is configured as a group creation, the license to purchase is determined based on the “digital product” creator.

Example) If a comic consists of two text and picture creators, only the picture creator can purchase a personal license when using the “digital product.”

3. In the case of the same title, a series is recognized as one creation, and all series of that creation can be used.

3-1. However, if the copyright owner changes, it is not recognized as the same creation.


Required information

Usage restrictions

User restrictions

Personal license

Creator name


Purchaser only

Shared license

Team name, business name, creation name

1 time

Limited to creators who use it directly or indirectly for creation within the creation production process

Enterprise license

(5 times)

Team name, business name, creation name

5 times

Limited to creators who use it directly or indirectly for creation within the creation production process

Enterprise license


Team name, business name


Available for purchase if the license purchaser solely owns the copyright of the creation

Limited to creators who use it directly or indirectly for creation within the creation production process

1. “Game” refers to console, PC, mobile, VR, AR, XR, metaverse, etc.

2. Metaverse entities cannot purchase digital products, but platform users can purchase digital products.

2-1. However, metaverse users cannot resell, transfer, or distribute digital products.

2-2. If the Licensee wish to use the metaverse operator, please contact us separately at


Required information

Usage restrictions

User restrictions

Personal license

Creator name


Purchaser only

Shared license

Team name, business name, creation name

1 time

Limited to creators who use it directly or indirectly for creation within the creation production process

Enterprise license

(5 times)

Team name, business name, creation name

5 times

Limited to creators who use it directly or indirectly for creation within the creation production process

Enterprise license


Team name, business name


Available for purchase if the license purchaser solely owns the copyright of the creation

Limited to creators who use it directly or indirectly for creation within the creation production process

1. “Video” refers to movies, broadcasts, advertisements, animations, online upload creation (YouTube, personal social media, etc.), streaming (Twitch, etc.), etc.

2. In the case of online upload creation and streaming services, the creation name is designated as the name of the channel the Licensee own, and one channel is defined as one creation.

2-1. If the Licensee upload to more than one channel the Licensee own, the Licensee should purchase a “shared license.”

3. No additional purchase is required when uploading a streaming-recorded creation online to the creator's work area.

3-1. When uploading a streaming recorded creation to a region other than the creator's own, an additional license for each region should be purchased.

Example) In the case of a joint broadcast between streamers, only the broadcasting channel owner needs to purchase it. When uploading the recorded video of the joint broadcast to each channel of each person participating, it should be purchased separately for each channel.

4. If a series has the same title in a movie, broadcast, animation, etc., it is recognized as one creation, and all series of that creation can be used.

4-1. However, if the copyright owner changes, it is not recognized as the same creation.

5. In the case of movies, broadcasts, and animations, they are classified based on the creation name, and even if the publishing channel is the same, each creation should purchase a separate license for each creation.

Architecture and Interior

Required information

Usage restrictions

User restrictions

Personal license

Creator name


Purchaser only

Shared license

Team name, business name, creation name

1 time

Limited to creators who use it directly or indirectly for creation within the creation production process

Enterprise license

(5 times)

Team name, business name, creation name

5 times

Limited to creators who use it directly or indirectly for creation within the creation production process

Enterprise license


Team name, business name


Available for purchase if the license purchaser solely owns the copyright of the creation

Limited to creators who use it directly or indirectly for creation within the creation production process

1. “Architecture and interior” includes architecture and interior rendering, performance stage work, media set work such as broadcast and movie, and other installation-related tasks.

Physical Output

Required information

Usage restrictions

User restrictions

Personal license

Creator name


Purchaser only

Shared license

Team name, business name, creation name

1 time

Limited to creators who use it directly or indirectly for creation within the creation production process

Enterprise license

(5 times)

Team name, business name, creation name

5 times

Limited to creators who use it directly or indirectly for creation within the creation production process

Enterprise license


Team name, business name


Available for purchase if the license purchaser solely owns the copyright of the creation

Limited to creators who use it directly or indirectly for creation within the creation production process

1. “Physical output” includes all physical creations such as 3D printer output, manufactured goods, furniture, and sculpture.

2. Creating a physical form that is not modified or substantially similar to the digital product sold within ACON is prohibited except for non-commercial personal use (gifts, etc.).

3. If a digital creation is included among the secondary creations (e.g., goods, etc.) produced by purchasing a digital product, an additional license should be purchased in accordance with the usage restrictions.

3-1. In this case, external sharing of digital product files is also not permitted.

AI Data

1. “AI” refers to artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, or similar technologies designed to automate or support the creation of new creations and digital products, including but not limited to audio, visual, or text-based content.

2. Digital products sold within ACON cannot be used as “AI” learning data unless a separate contract is concluded with the seller or platform.


1. Digital products sold within ACON can be used by educational institutions for educational purposes.

2. “Educational institution” refers to an educational institution approved by a government agency and those whose main purpose is to teach registered students or an institution with an equivalent educational curriculum.

3. Educational institutions should purchase a “shared license” per class to use the product for educational purposes.

3-1. When purchasing, the name of the educational institution should be entered in the creator’s name, and the class name should be entered in the creation name.

3-2. If the class is different, the Licensee should purchase an additional shared license.

4. Purchased digital products may be redistributed for access only to devices (computers, tablet PCs, etc.) owned by the educational institution.

5. Educational institutions may not redistribute digital products to make them accessible to students' devices and may be held legally responsible if the Licensee use it outside the scope permitted by the training.

6. If students wish to use the creations shown in the training for commercial purposes, they should purchase additional digital products individually.


1. In some cases, digital products classified into classes and programs are subject to the EULA and service agreement specified by the seller.

1-1. The usage agreement is separately indicated on the digital product information page for some digital products.

Supplementary Provisions

1. This EULA may be revised as necessary. If the company wishes to revise this EULA, the company shall post the revised EULA on the ACON website from 14 days before the effective date of the revised EULA to the day before the effective date along with the current EULA, specifying the date of application and the reason for revision. Even though we have notified the member that he/she shall be considered approved if he/she does not express his/her intention to reject the change from the date of the notice to the date of implementation of the change, if the member does not express his/her intention, the change is deemed to have been approved. However, when changes are made to content that is disadvantageous to members, the notice shall be announced 30 days before the effective date of the revised EULA, and members shall be individually notified.

2. In principle, the revised EULA, in accordance with the provisions of this Article, is effective from the date of its effective date.

3. Members who have objections to the revision of this EULA may withdraw their membership.

4. If the member does not agree to the revised EULA application, the Company cannot apply its contents, and in this case, the member may terminate the service agreement.

This Agreement shall come into effect from August 29, 2024.

Company: carpenstreet Inc.
Representative: Minhong Daniel Lee
Address: 7F, 27, Eonju-ro 93-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Mail order business registration number: 2021-SeoulGangnam-04401
KOR Business Registration Number: 364-87-01374 KOR Business information confirmation >
Personal Information Manager: Minhong Daniel Lee
Hosting provided by NHN godo
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