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User Agreement

Integrated Terms of Service

These Terms of Service apply to your use of the websites and content, features, products, software, and services offered by Carpenstreet Inc. (the “Company”) and its affiliates.

By registering as a member of the Service, you agree to be bound by and comply with these Terms of Service. If you do not agree to these Terms of Service, you must not use this Service.

Any software or services included in or provided to you through the Service may be governed by these Terms of Service as well as by separate agreements between you and the Company, such as the End User License Agreement. If the terms of these Terms of Service are inconsistent with the individual agreement, the terms of the individual agreement shall prevail.

These Terms of Service are governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea. Also, the legal effect of these Terms of Service is only in the Korean Terms of Service, and the translated version is for reference only for user convenience.

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose)

These Terms of Service are intended to stipulate all rights, obligations, related procedures, and responsibilities between members and the Company when using the e-commerce brokerage service or software provided by the Company.

Article 2 (Definition of Terms)

The definitions of terms used in these Terms of Service are as follows. Interpretation of undefined terms follows the relevant laws and regulations and separate guidance on the website.

1. Service: Refers to all services such as e-commerce brokerage service and software provided by the Company under the ACON and Abler brand names regardless of the terminal being implemented (various wired and wireless devices such as PCs, tablets, and portable terminals)

2. Members: Refers to customers who agree to these Terms of Service, enter into a service agreement, successfully sign up for the Service, and install or use the Service. Members are divided into general members and seller members and are collectively referred to as ‘members.’

3. General members: members who can use purchasing services and software within the Service and may be expressed by words such as “creators” or “purchasing writers”

4. Seller members: members who can use the e-commerce service and may be expressed by words such as “partner writers,” “sellers,” or “asset creators”

5. Account (“ID”): Refers to a combination of letters and numbers selected by the member and approved by the Company for identification of the member and use of the Service

6. Point: Refers to the points that members can use to participate in events, etc., in accordance with the regulations set by the Company and the standards of Article 32 of these Terms of Service; it has no value as a good than within the Service.

7. Event: Refers to services provided by the Company through partnerships with certain rewards to members

8. Message: Refers to the service where members deliver and share messages

9. Content: Refers to text, photos, videos, and various files and links in the form of information, such as signs, text, voice, sound, image, and video posted on the Service by the Company and its members

10. Profile: Refers to the profile page, which is disclosed to all members

11. Publisher: Refers to the person who posted the content on the Service

12. ACON cash ("Cash"): ACON cash ("Cash"): Refers to a new type of gift certificate in value that members can use to purchase the Company's goods

13. Service website: Refers to the website (example: where a member can use services such as ACON and Abler

14. ACON: Refers to e-commerce brokerage services such as digital content products provided by the Company

15. Abler: Refers to the software products provided by the Company

Article 3 (Effectiveness and Revision of the Terms of Service)

1. The Company posts the contents of these Terms of Service on the membership registration and the connecting pages through the initial page of the service website so that members can easily understand them. These Terms of Service become effective upon the member's consent.

2. The Company may revise these Terms of Service to the extent that they do not violate relevant laws such as the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions, Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., Content Industry Promotion Act and notify members of the revised contents.

3. These Terms of Service may be revised as necessary. If the Company wishes to revise the Terms and Conditions, the Company will post the revised Terms and Conditions on the service website from 14 days before the effective date of the revised Terms and Conditions to the day before the effective date, along with the current Terms and Conditions, specifying the date of application and reason for revision. Even though the Company has clearly announced that failure to express intention to reject the change from the date of announcement to the date of implementation of the change will be deemed as approval, if the member does not explicitly express intention to reject the change, the change is considered to have been approved. However, when changes are made to the unfavorable content to members, it will be announced 30 days before the effective date of the revised terms and conditions, and members will be notified individually.

4. Pursuant to the provisions of this Article, the revised Terms and Conditions are, in principle, effective from the date of their effective date into the future.

5. Members who have objections to the revision of these Terms of Service may withdraw membership.

6. If a member does not agree to the revised terms of service, the Company cannot apply them, and in this case, the member may terminate the service agreement.

7. The notification method and effect of notification in this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to individual or overall notifications stipulated in each provision of these Terms of Service.

Article 4 (Interpretation of the Terms of Service)

1. The Company may establish separate terms of service and policies (“Paid Service Terms, etc.”) for paid, free services, and individual services. If the content of the Paid Service Terms conflicts with these Terms of Service, the paid service terms and conditions will take precedence.

2. Matters or interpretations not specified in these Terms of Service shall be governed by the Paid Service Terms, etc., and related laws or commercial practices.

Article 5 (Application for License and Establishment of License Agreement)

1. The license agreement is concluded when the member agrees to these Terms of Service and the Personal Information Handling Policy and applies to use the Service by filling out the subscription form provided by the Company, which the Company then approves.

2. When applying for use in Paragraph 1, members shall provide valid information (e.g., valid email address being used by the member), and the Company may restrict the use of the Service or terminate the license agreement of members who provide false information.

3. The ID of a member who applies for use for an unlawful purpose or method, such as stealing another person's name, may be deleted without prior notice, and the member may be banned from using the Service and subject to legal sanctions.

4. When applying pursuant to Paragraph 1, the Company may request member authentication.

5. Besides the required information in each section above, the Company may request applicants to provide information such as drawing style, work preferences, and work methods related to personal work in order to provide diverse and useful information to members. However, the applicant may refuse to provide such information.

6. To ensure smooth services, the Company may send members various service-related information and advertisements via email and text messages. If desired, members may refuse to receive such information at any time.

7. The Company does not provide member information to third parties without the member's consent, except in cases where special provisions are stipulated by law, excluding:

1) When the use of member information and provision of information to third parties is permitted in accordance with laws and regulations;

2) When it is unavoidable for a public institution to perform its duties in accordance with laws, etc. ;

3) When it is necessary for the urgent benefit of a member or a third party's life, body, or property;

4) When it is necessary to achieve the legitimate interests of the person designated to handle personal information and takes precedence over the rights of the information subject. In this case, it is limited to cases where it is significantly related to the legitimate interests of the person designated to handle personal information and does not exceed a reasonable scope;

5) When it is urgently necessary for public safety and well-being, such as public health;

8. The Company may restrict certain categories of members who wish to hold events with affiliate companies according to Company policies during service operation.

9. If the member information entered in the application form changes while using the service, the member should immediately modify the member information. All responsibility arising from failure to modify member information lies with the member, and the Company assumes no liability in the absence of intent or negligence.

10. About the worker or event in question, in the case of continuous uploads that occur abnormally while engaged in or servicing the relevant industry, the Company may restrict the member's use of the service. If there is no intent or negligence on the part of the Company, the member is responsible for all related losses.

11. Members must strictly manage their ID and password. The member is responsible for all consequences arising from negligent management, illegal use, etc., and the Company does not assume any responsibility for this unless there is intent or negligence.

12. If members become aware that their IDs, passwords, or additional information have been stolen or are being used by a third party, they should immediately take action, such as modifying their passwords, immediately notify the Company, and follow instructions.

Article 6 (Change of Member Information)

1. Members may view and modify their personal information through the My Page screen within the Service. However, the terminal identification number, ID, etc., cannot be modified.

2. If a member gains unfair profits by providing false personal information, the member's unfair profits and points shall be extinguished, and use of the Service may be restricted.

Article 7 (Termination of the Service Agreement and Loss/Suspension of Qualification)

1. If the Company confirms that a member falls under any of the following acts, the Company may take action (“use restrictions”) regarding all items related to the use of the Service, including suspension/cancellation/termination/deletion of the member’s membership. In principle, the Company takes use restrictions in stages and notifies the member in advance of the reason, type, and period of use restrictions through e-mail, text, or phone. Members may file an objection within 14 days of receiving the notice.

1) If the member registers false information when applying for membership;

2) If the member uses the Service in an unfair manner or for any purpose, such as fraudulent application within the Service or illegal acquisition of profits;

- Fraudulent application refers to one person unusually taking unfair advantage, such as by creating multiple IDs to increase the winning rate.

3) If the member is deceased;

4) If the member threatens the electronic transaction order, such as interfering with another member's use of the Service or stealing the information;

5) If the member causes continuous pain or inconvenience to other members within the Service, such as stalking, threatening, harassing, abusing, spreading chat posts, etc.;

6) If the member impersonates the Company's operator/employee or the Company within the Service;

7) If the member uses or illegally steals a third party's personal information when applying for membership;

8) If the member violates the law while using the Service;

9) If the member infringes other rights, including intellectual property rights such as patent rights, trademark rights, copyright, and trade secrets of a third party;

10) If the member threatens the system by changing the Company's homepage or client program or hacking the Company's server without special permission from the Company;

11) If the member forces other members to install programs such as Active X, Spyware;

12) If the member induces a visit to a specific website regardless of the will of service visitors or other members;

13) If the member commits an act that violates relevant laws while using the Service, such as trafficking pirated software or a third party's copyrighted work;

14) If the member acts to form an organization based on anti-social/moral prejudice such as race/sex/fanaticism/treason, etc.;

15) If the member collects personal information such as ID/email account of another member;

16) If the member engages in activities that cause or encourage other members to commit the prohibited acts specified in Items 6 to 15 above;

17) If the member uses the services provided by the Company to offer a third party an opportunity to promote himself or herself, acts as an agent for a third party's promotion, or transfers the right to use the Service and receives money in return;

18) If the member uses the Service to transmit advertising information for commercial purposes without the prior consent of the Company;

19) If the member engages in profit-making activities by using the services provided by the Company to post advertisements or propaganda or send spam emails targeting an unspecified number of members;

20) If the member violates other member obligations stipulated in these Terms of Service;

Article 8 (Withdrawal of Membership)

1. If desired, a member may apply to terminate the Agreement or stop using the service (“membership withdrawal”).

2. Members who wish to withdraw membership shall follow the procedures provided by the Company, such as email notification, after requesting membership withdrawal. However, general members should complete all purchase procedures before requesting membership withdrawal, and seller members should complete all ongoing sales procedures before requesting membership withdrawal and complete debt settlement with the Company.

3. When a member withdraws from membership, any remaining points provided free of charge by the Company will automatically be forfeited, and the basic information the member provided during membership registration shall be permanently deleted.

4. Members who have withdrawn membership in accordance with this Article may re-enroll as members by following the procedures on the service website.

Article 9 (Temporary Suspension of the Service)

1. The Company may temporarily suspend services for inspection, repair, replacement, or breakdown of information and communication equipment such as computers or interruption of communication. In this regard, the Company shall not be held liable unless there is intent or negligence.

2. If the Company wishes to suspend the Service for the reasons in Paragraph 1 of this Article, the Company shall notify members of the Service suspension through notices within the Service and postings on the website.

3. The Company may modify, suspend, or change part or all of the Services provided free of charge as necessary for the Company's policies and operations and shall not provide separate compensation to members unless special provisions exist in the relevant laws.

Article 10 (Member ID and Password)

1. Members are responsible for managing their ID and password and shall not disclose or allow a third party to use them.

2. If a member becomes aware that his or her ID or password has been stolen or is being used by a third party, he or she shall immediately notify the Company and follow any instructions provided by the Company.

Article 11 (Obligations of the Company)

1. The Company shall not engage in any acts prohibited by relevant laws or these Terms of Service or contrary to public morals and maintain its best efforts to provide continuous and stable services.

2. The Company shall have a security system to protect personal information (including credit information) so that members can safely use the Service, and it discloses and complies with its Personal Information Handling Policy.

3. The Company shall process opinions or complaints from members about using the Service if it deems them legitimate.

4. Regarding opinions or complaints raised by members, the processing process and results shall be communicated to members through the bulletin board or e-mail.

Article 12 (Compensation for Damages)

1. If damage occurs to the Company due to a member's violation of the provisions of these Terms of Service, the member who violated these Terms of Service shall compensate the Company for all damages incurred.

2. If the Company receives various objections, including claims for damages or lawsuits, from a third party other than the member due to an illegal act committed by a member in the process of using the Service or a violation of these Terms of Service, the member shall be held at his or her responsibility and expense. The Company shall be indemnified; if the Company is not indemnified, the member shall compensate for all damages incurred to the Company.

3. The Company is not liable for any damages arising in connection with the Services provided free of charge.

4. This article shall not apply to damages caused by the Company's intent or negligence.

Article 13 (Resolution of Service-related Disputes)

1. The Company operates a customer center to process complaints and opinions submitted by members in relation to the use of the service as quickly as possible.

2. The Company promptly handles complaints and opinions raised by members through the customer center if they are judged to be legitimate. However, if prompt processing is difficult, the member will be notified of the reason and processing schedule as soon as possible.

3. Disputes that arise between the Company and its members are processed through the mediation procedures of the Electronic Transaction Dispute Mediation Committee, which was established in accordance with the Framework Act on Electronic Documents and Electronic Transactions.

Article 14 (Change and Termination of the Service)

1. The Company may change the contents of the service, and if it wishes to change the contents, it shall notify the changed service and the date of provision. However, if it is impossible to notify the change details in detail, the purpose and reason for the impossibility of notification shall be announced seven days in advance.

2. If the Company wishes to terminate the service, it shall notify the members individually by email, pop-up screen, etc., three months before the termination date.

3. If the Company transfers its business or has a third party provide services on its behalf, it shall notify the members 14 days before the date the business is transferred or the third party's service begins. Members who do not agree to this may withdraw membership in accordance with Article 8.

4. After termination of service in accordance with Paragraph 2, the members cannot receive refunds or other services from the Company. Unless there are special provisions in this regard, no separate compensation will be provided to members. However, the remaining Cash will be returned in accordance with Article 33.

5. Product purchasers can download all purchasable products for three months from the date the Company notifies them of the termination of service. After service termination, they are responsible for managing and storing the products.

Article 15 (Governing Law and Agreement Jurisdiction)

1. Matters not specified in these Terms of Service and the interpretation of these Terms of Service shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea and commercial practices.

2. All disputes and lawsuits related to the Service and these Terms of Service shall be governed by the court of first instance under the Civil Procedure Act.

Article 16 (Obligation to Protect Personal Information)

1. The Company strives to protect members' personal information, including member registration information, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

2. Relevant laws and the "Personal Information Handling Policy" established by the Company govern the protection of members' personal information, which members are notified of through various methods so that they can check it at all times.

3. The Company collects member information in accordance with the Personal Information Handling Policy to the minimum extent necessary to establish and implement the service agreement.

4. The Company does not provide member information known in relation to the service to a third party without the member's consent.

5. The Company is not responsible for member information being exposed for reasons attributable to the member. However, this does not apply if there is intention or negligence on the part of the Company.

6. The Company may provide member information to administrative agencies or investigative agencies in accordance with relevant laws such as the Telecommunications Business Act, Communications Secrets Protection Act, Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., when they request to view or submit such information.

Article 17 (Intellectual Property Rights)

1. Copyright and other intellectual property rights for works created by the Company (including but not limited to content such as images and videos produced for sales promotion) belong to the Company. However, works such as models provided for creation are copyrighted to the primary creator, and the Company has a license.

2. The copyright for works created by a member using Abler belongs to the member. However, in this case, the copyright of a work with an original author belongs to the original author.

3. Members must not use the information obtained by using the service for commercial purposes or allow a third party to use the information obtained by using the service by copying, transmitting, publishing, distributing, broadcasting, or other methods without the Company's prior consent.

4. All rights, including copyright, to posts made by a member while using the service belong to the member unless otherwise indicated.

5. Members guarantee that product-related content, including all information in the posted content, is always accurate, complete, and valid and that the posted content does not infringe the rights of third parties or violate relevant laws and regulations. Also, the members clarify that they own copyrights and other industrial property rights. By posting content to the Service, members are deemed to have consented to the Company a royalty-free worldwide, non-exclusive right (use, disclosure, distribution, advertising, publication, reproduction, performance, public transmission, exhibition, distribution, rental, creation of secondary works, provision of automatic/manual translation) to use all or part of such content (and derivative works thereof) to effectively deliver product information and promote sales in relation to services and business. This will allow the company to absorb more consumers into ACON services and provide suppliers with a better experience.

6. Members may request the Company to stop using the content in Paragraph 5 at any time, and the Company will comply with the request to stop.

7. The Company may apply the Company's copyright protection technology to products sold by seller members to protect the seller member's copyright and prevent illegal distribution.

8. In the event that any seller member's product is illegally distributed domestically or overseas, legal action, such as requesting a ban on sales, sending a certificate of contents, or filing a lawsuit, is, in principle, carried out by the seller member who owns the copyright.

9. The Company may use images of seller members' products for sales promotion. In this case, there is no difference between the text or picture for sales promotion and the seller member's product provided to the buyer.

10. A separate agreement regarding copyright shall apply if it exists between the Company and the member.

Chapter 2 Terms of Service for ACON

ACON is a platform that helps archive data for 3D modeling and digital products and creates new value. ACON allows service users to fully review and familiarize themselves with the Terms of Service, and membership signifies agreement to these Terms of Service.

Article 18 (ACON Service)

The Company provides various ACON-related services and information to members through the service website and performs other tasks determined by the Company.

1. The member can purchase digital products through the service website, including 2D and 3D models. In this context, the member is purchasing a non-exclusive license to use the product, not the copyright, and the Company provides specific information on how to use the product and the conditions when the member purchases the product.

2. Members shall comply with the End User License Agreement regarding the terms and conditions for using digital products.

Article 19 (Obligations of ACON Members)

1. General members refer to all members who do not sell products, such as purchasing products and writing reviews.

2. Seller members refer to all members who sell products. If you are a seller member, you may be required to sign a separate contract that includes the fee and contract period with the Company.

3. General members and seller members shall not engage in any of the following acts in relation to the use of the service.

1) An act of disassembling, imitating, or modifying the service through any processing;

2) An act of posting or sending by email or SMS any material containing software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to disrupt or destroy the normal operation of computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment;

3) An act of sending junk mail, spam mail, chain letters, emails recommending membership in a pyramid organization, or emails containing obscene or violent messages, images, or voices;

4) An act of posting media harmful to youth as prescribed by the Youth Protection Act;

5) An act of changing or deleting information posted on the Company's service, using information obtained through the service for reproduction, publication, broadcast, etc., for profitable or non-profitable purposes or providing it to a third party without the Company's prior consent;

6) An act of interfering with the Company's normal service by causing a load on the Company's server by using the service by deviating from normal usage from normal usage, such as using an automatic connection program, etc.;

7) An act of personally contacting a seller member learned through the service without consultation with the Company or attempting to make a purchase or transaction by bypassing the service;

4. In relation to the use of the service, seller members shall not engage in any of the following acts in addition to Paragraph 3.

1) An act of attempting to sell or register legally defective products;

2) An act of attempting to terminate the contract period unilaterally;

3) An act of intentionally or negligently causing damage to the Company;

5. The Company may unilaterally terminate this Agreement by restricting the use of the service, terminating the account, or deleting posts if the member commits any of the acts specified in Paragraphs 3 or 4. The general members or seller members in question are obligated to compensate for any damage caused to the Company or a third party as a result.

Article 19 (Management of Content)

1. If a member's content violates relevant laws such as the Information and Communications Network Act and the Copyright Act, the content rights holder may request suspension or deletion of the content in accordance with the procedures set forth in the relevant laws. Then, the Company must take action in accordance with relevant laws.

2. Even if the right holder does not request a response pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the Company may take temporary measures, such as suspending postings, after the prior notice for content that may be considered a violation of rights, such as if the content falls under any of the following items or violates these Terms of Service or related laws.

1) If the content severely insults or defames other members or third parties.

2) If the content is pornographic material or links to a pornographic website

3) If the content has a risk of infringing on the rights of the Company or any third party

4) If the content is advertising posts for the profit of a third-party

5) If the content does not comply with the posting principles and conditions within the Service stipulated by the Company

3. If a problem occurs with content, the Company may take temporary measures regarding the content in question and immediately issue a warning to the publisher. Members may file an objection within 14 days of temporary or warning measures, and permanent action may be taken for posts for which no objection is received.

Article 21 (Disclaimer)

1. As an e-commerce broker, the Company operates, manages, and provides a platform (ACON) for product transactions between purchasing members and seller members, but it does not represent seller members. Responsibilities related to the purchase contract established between the purchasing member and the seller member must be borne directly by the member.

2. The Company is not responsible for providing services if it cannot provide them due to natural disasters or other force majeure.

3. The Company does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, or copyright infringement of information, data, or facts posted on the service through methods such as those provided or written by members and is not responsible for any damages suffered by members as a result.

4. The Company is not responsible for intentional service interruption by a third party that has entered into a service partnership agreement with the Company to provide the service.

5. The Company is exempt from liability if the service is interrupted due to reasons attributable to the member, such as the device environment.

6. The Company is not responsible if the service is interrupted due to reasons other than the Company's intention or negligence, such as the network environment.

7. The Company is not obligated to intervene in disputes that arise between members or between members and third parties through the service and is not responsible for compensating any resulting damages.

8. The Company is not responsible for a member's failure to obtain the expected profits by using the service and is not responsible for any damages arising from using the service.

9. This Article does not apply to damages caused by the Company's intention or negligence.

Article 22 (Mobile Phones and Other Devices)

1. The Company only provides a free subscription to the ACON service and does not provide models sold through the service free of charge.

2. Communication fees are subject to the mobile carrier's policy. The Company is not responsible for any communication charges.

3. Members are deemed to have agreed to provide all rights necessary to synchronize all information required by the service on their devices (including synchronization through the app).

Article 23 (Purchase Application)

1. Members apply for purchase in the following or similar manner in accordance with these Terms of Service and the regulations established by the Company. The Company shall provide the following information in an easy-to-understand manner when members apply for purchase.

1) Search and selection of goods, etc.

2) The recipient's name, address, phone number, email address (or mobile phone number), etc.

3) Confirmation of the Terms of Service, services for which subscription withdrawal rights are restricted, and cost burdens such as delivery/installation fees.

4) Indication of confirmation or rejection of Item 3 above along with agreement to these Terms of Service (e.g., mouse click)

5) Application for purchase of goods, etc., and confirmation thereof or consent to confirmation by the Company

6) Selection of payment method

Article 24 (Establishment of Purchase Agreements)

1. The Company may not accept a purchase request as stated in Article 23 if any of the following applies. However, when concluding a contract with a minor, if the legal representative's consent is not obtained, the Company notifies the minor, or the legal representative may cancel the agreement.

1) When there are false information, omissions, or errors in the application details;

2) When a minor purchases goods or services prohibited by the Youth Protection Act;

3) When it is judged that accepting other purchase requests would significantly impede the Company’s technology;

2. The purchase agreement is deemed to have been established when the Company's approval reaches the member in the form of a receipt confirmation notice under Article 26, Paragraph 1.

3. The Company's expression of approval must include confirmation of the member's purchase request, availability for sale, and information regarding correction or cancellation of the purchase request.

Article 25 (Payment Methods)

1. Members may pay for goods or services purchased through the Service ("Payment") using any of the following methods adopted by the Company. However, the Company cannot collect additional fees for the purchaser's payment method. However, shipping and international shipping costs are not included.

1) Various account transfers, such as phone banking and Internet banking

2) Payment by various cards such as prepaid, debit, credit, etc.

3) Online bank transfer Mobile phone payment

4) Payment using coupons issued by the Company, such as discount coupons

5) Other payment methods additionally designated by the Company

2. If a legal or technical problem occurs in a member's payment or a failure that the Company could not foresee (bank communication network failure, etc.) occurs, the Company may request members to change the payment method, temporarily hold payment, or refuse payment in accordance with the Company's policies.

3. The member is responsible for the information entered by the member in relation to payment. If payment is not made within a reasonable period after subscription for goods or services, the Company may cancel the order.

4. The Company can verify the legitimacy of the purchaser's payment method license and, if necessary, may suspend the transaction or request the submission of explanatory materials.

Article 26 (Notice of Confirmation of Receipt, Change and Cancellation of Purchase Requests)

1. When a member requests a purchase, the Company shall notify the member of receipt.

2. If there is a discrepancy in the expression of intent, the member who has received the notice of confirmation of receipt can change or cancel the purchase request immediately after receiving the notice. If there is a member's request before delivery, the Company must process the request without delay. However, if the payment has already been made, the provisions regarding cancellation of subscription, etc., in Articles 29 and 30 shall apply.

Article 27 (Supply of Goods, etc.)

1. Unless there is a separate agreement with members regarding the timing of the supply of goods, etc., the Company takes other necessary measures, such as customization and packaging (or server registration), to ensure that goods can be delivered within seven business days from the date the member subscribes. However, if the Company has already received all or part of the payment for goods, etc., action will be taken within three business days of receiving all or part of the payment. At this time, the Company takes appropriate measures to ensure that members can check the supply process and progress of goods, etc.

2. If force majeure, such as a natural disaster, occurs, that period is excluded from the delivery period.

3. When providing intangible goods, the Company ensures that the goods can be downloaded immediately after payment completion. However, the buyer is responsible for downloading, storing, and managing products purchased for more than three months after payment completion.

Article 28 (Refund)

1. If the Company cannot deliver or provide goods that a member has applied for purchase due to reasons such as out of stock, the Company will notify the member of the reason without delay. If payment for goods, etc., has been received in advance, the Company shall refund the payment or take necessary measures within three business days after the payment date.

2. Due to the nature of intangible products, some products may not be refundable after purchase.

Article 29 (Withdrawal of Subscription, etc.)

1. Members who have entered into a contract to purchase goods, etc., with the Company may withdraw their subscription within seven days of receiving the notice of confirmation of receipt and the written contract details. However, if the supply is made later than when the notification was received, the subscription can be withdrawn within seven days of receiving the supply of goods, etc.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 1, members may not withdraw or exchange subscriptions, if:

1) Goods are lost or damaged due to reasons attributable to the member.; however, cases where the packaging is damaged to check the contents of the goods are excluded;

2) The value of goods has decreased significantly due to use or partial consumption by members;

3) Over time, the value of goods has decreased significantly, making it difficult to sell them again;

4) The packaging of goods that can be copied has been damaged;

5) Provision of digital content began; however, in the case of divisible digital content, subscription cancellation is possible for portions for which provision has not commenced;

6) Cancellation of subscription is acknowledged, as significant and irreparable damage is expected to be caused to the Company, and the Company separately notifies the transaction in advance and obtains written consent from the member;

3. In the case of Paragraph 2, if the Company does not take measures such as specifying in advance that withdrawal of subscription is restricted in a place where members can easily see or provide the product to be used, the member's withdrawal of subscription, etc., shall not be restricted.

4. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2, if the contents of the goods, etc., are different from the contents of the display or advertisement, or if the contents of the agreement are implemented differently, members may cancel their subscription within three months from the date of receiving the goods in question and within 30 days from the date they became aware of the fact or could have known about it.

Article 30 (Effect of Cancellation of Subscription, etc.)

1. If the Company receives goods, etc., from a member, it will refund the amount already paid for the goods, etc., within three business days. In this case, if the Company delays the refund of goods, etc., to the member, it will pay delay interest calculated by multiplying the delay period by 15% per annum, the delay interest rate determined and announced by the Fair-Trade Commission.

2. When refunding the above amount, if the member paid for the goods, etc., using a payment method such as a credit card or electronic money, the Company requests the business that provided the payment method to suspend or cancel the billing for goods etc. without delay.

3. In case of cancellation of subscription, etc., the member is responsible for the costs required to return the supplied goods. The Company does not charge any penalties or compensation to members for reasons such as cancellation of subscription. However, if the contents of the goods differ from the contents of the display or advertisement, or the contract is implemented differently, and the contract is canceled, the Company will bear the costs necessary to return the goods, etc.

4. If a member pays shipping costs when receiving goods, the Company clearly indicates who will bear the costs when canceling a subscription so that the member can easily understand.

Article 31 (Product Coupons)

1. The Company may issue coupons that allow members to receive a certain amount or percentage discount on a designated product when purchasing goods, etc.

2. Except as otherwise specified by the Company, it cannot be transferred to another person, and under no circumstances can it be sold to another person.

3. Product coupons cannot be withdrawn in cash and expire when the indicated validity period expires, or the service contract is terminated.

4. Product coupons may be restricted depending on certain items or amounts, and if you cancel your membership, the coupon will expire.

Article 32 (Points)

1. “ACON Points,” “Mileage,” and “ACON Mileage” (collectively referred to as “Points”) are electronic currency operated by the Company and points that can be used as a payment method when purchasing goods, etc., and $1P (point) is worth KRW 1,000 in cash.

2. Points are accumulated according to the procedures and methods set by the Company through the Company’s policies, events, etc.

3. Points are valid for one year from the date of accumulation and automatically expire after the expiration date. However, in the case of points refunded due to subscription cancellation, etc., the expiration date is based on the date of initial accumulation.

4. Points are used in the order of earliest expiration; unused points are forfeited when the expiration date or the service contract is terminated.

5. Points are a benefit provided free of charge by the Company to members, cannot be withdrawn in cash, and can only be used according to the deadline and usage method set by the Company. In this case, use may be restricted depending on some items or amounts.

6. Points cannot be transferred to others except as otherwise specified by the Company and use for fraudulent purposes or purposes is prohibited. In case of violation, the Company may cancel points found to have been obtained unfairly by the member or suspend membership. If the Company takes action in accordance with this paragraph, it will notify the member without delay, and the member may object within 14 days from the date of receiving the above notification.

Article 33 (The Cash, etc.)

1. “ACON Cash” or “Cash” (“Cash, etc.”) refers to a new type of monetary gift certificate that members can use to purchase the Company’s goods. Members can use the Cash, etc., within the range of their balance without limitation, and when used, the amount used will be deducted.

2. The Cash, etc., are valid for one year.

3. Members may withdraw their subscription to use the service from the Company within seven days from the date they paid the cash in accordance with these Terms of Service. Cancellation of full payment of the cash, etc. that has been charged is possible if a refund is requested within seven days after the date of payment, provided there is no history of use of the cash, etc., after purchasing.

4. If there is a history of use from the purchase date of the cash, etc. and the member is provided with goods equivalent to more than 60/100 (80/100 if less than 10,000 won) of the cash, etc. (amount paid at the time the member's recharge is completed) charged, the member may request a return of the balance.

5. After the expiration date and up to 5 years from the date of purchase or final recharge, members may request a return of the unused portion of the cash, etc., and the Company will return 90% of the balance.

6. If a member requests a refund in accordance with Paragraphs 4 or 5, the Company will refund 1,000 won or 10% of the balance, whichever is greater, excluding the refund fee. Refunds are not possible if the balance is less than 1,000 won. However, if it is the Company's fault, the refund fee will not be deducted.

7. Returns for Items 3 to 5 can be requested through ACON 1:1 inquiry.

8. Depending on the payment gateway company's policy, it may take up to 5 business days for card authorization to be canceled or for the payment to be deposited into the member's account.

9. If a member requests a return under Paragraphs 3 to 5, the points provided free of charge will be recovered. If no remaining points are recovered, the amount will be refunded minus the corresponding amount from the cash held.

10. Minors must obtain the consent of their parents or other legal representative before charging the Cash, etc.

11. The cash, etc., expires five years from the date of payment, and after the cash, etc., expires, members cannot request a refund of the cash, etc., or return of the balance.

12. Before withdrawing membership, members must request a return of the cash, etc., and if the return is not made, withdrawal and termination of the service agreement will be restricted.


"Resource Bank Products" are products registered in Resource Bank operated by Gyeonggi Province, Korea Creative Content Agency, and Korea Indie Game Association. Following the termination of operation of the existing Resource Bank website, it was transferred to ACON and follows the policies below, separate from ACON's policies.

Article 1 (Copyright of Posts)

1. The copyright is owned by the creator.

2. These posts may be used for public use.

Article 2 (Precautions when Using Posts)

1. Information and materials obtained through the posts may be freely used for commercial games and video production. However, the following uses or acts that allow third parties for such uses are not permitted.

: Modification, rental, loan, sale, distribution, production, transfer, sublicense, creation of a lien, etc., of all or part of information and materials

Example 1) Resource A was downloaded and made into a game or game video to earn monetary profit or distributed to a store, etc. -> Usable

Example 2) Resource A was downloaded and uploaded to another website to earn monetary profit or distributed to others -> Not usable

2. The rights holder whose rights are infringed may request the Korea Creative Content Agency or ACON to suspend or delete the relevant posting in accordance with the procedures set forth in the relevant laws and regulations, and the Korea Creative Content Agency or ACON must take action in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

: Copyright Act; Article 37 (Prohibited Acts, etc.) and Article 38 (Claim for Damages, etc.) of the Content Industry Promotion Act; Article 33 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act

3. Korea Creative Content Agency and ACON do not bear civil or criminal liability even if posts posted by creators infringe upon the copyrights of others. If Korea Creative Content Agency or ACON receives an objection, such as a claim for damages, from another person on the grounds that the creator has infringed on another person's copyright, etc., creators shall indemnify Korea Creative Content Agency or ACON for their responsibilities and costs and must bear all damages incurred by Korea Creative Content Agency or ACON as a result. However, this does not apply to damages caused by intention or negligence of Korea Creative Content Agency or ACON.

Chapter 3 Terms of Service for Abler

Article 34 (Provision of Internet-based Services)

1. Abler communicates with the server when members log in with their ACON account.

2. Abler includes the ability to communicate over the Internet for updates as part of its regular operation.

3. In updating Abler, arbitrary files may be installed on the user's computer without the user's consent, if necessary. Members can change their update method at any time to enhance updates to the user's computer.

4. The Company may collect the following information discovered during the user's use of Abler to improve Abler's quality and performance.

1) Non-personally identifiable information such as the user's computer operating system and information registered in the operating system, Abler version, and error information;

2) Information about the user's usage patterns and interactions within the program to improve the usability of the program;

3) IP information to provide customized language by country/region and check usage patterns by country;

5. The Company complies with relevant laws and regulations, including the Personal Information Protection Act, and does not, in principle, pass on or disclose collected information to outside parties. However, in the cases below, when the Company provides or shares the user's personal information in addition to the information described, it does so after separately obtaining the user's consent.

1) When there is a request from an investigative agency in accordance with the procedures and methods set forth in the law for investigation in accordance with the provisions of the law;

2) When providing information in a form that does not identify specific individuals for statistical purposes, academic research, or market research;

3) When the user consents in advance;

6. Collected information is stored for one year after using the Service. After the period, the Company deletes personal information stored in electronic file format using technical methods that render the records unrecoverable. Personal information printed on paper is destroyed through shredding or incineration.

7. Detailed personal information handling policy is provided on the following website.

Article 35 (Provision of Services and Maintenance of Software)

1. The Company does not engage in any acts prohibited by relevant laws or the Terms of Service or that are against public morals and does its best to provide Abler on a continuous and stable basis.

2. The Company shall have a security system to protect personal information so members can safely use Abler and disclose and comply with the personal information handling policy.

3. The Company must process opinions or complaints raised by users in relation to the use of the software if it deems them to be legitimate. Regarding opinions or complaints from members, the Company communicates the processing process and results to members through e-mail, etc.

4. In principle, Abler is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, unless there is an unexpected problem with the Company's business or technology. However, the Company may temporarily suspend the service on days or times set by the Company for regular system inspection, expansion, and replacement. Any temporary suspension of service due to scheduled work will be announced in advance through the website.

5. The Company may restrict or suspend all or part of Abler if normal service provision is impossible due to a national emergency, power outage, equipment failure, or excessive use. In this case, the Company shall notify members of the reason and duration in advance. Under unavoidable circumstances where the Company cannot notify in advance, it shall do so after the fact.

6. The Company may divide Abler into specific ranges and designate available times separately for each range. In this case, the Company shall announce the details.

7. The Company may provide updates to improve Abler's up-to-dateness and stability and promote user convenience through the update function provided when installing Abler.

8. Depending on the update situation, some of Abler's features already provided may not be available.

Article 36 (Obligations of Abler Members)

1. Members shall comply with the matters stipulated in these Terms of Service and all other regulations, notices, and relevant laws of the region where the software is used and shall not engage in any other actions that interfere with the Company's business or damage the Company's reputation.

2. Members shall not attempt to access the software or the server that provides the software in a manner not permitted by the Company.

3. Members must not use Abler's models for commercial purposes or allow third parties to use them for commercial purposes, such as by redistributing or selling the models themselves, without the Company's prior consent. If a member's such action is detected, the Company may restrict the use of Abler and claim compensation for damages through legal procedures.

4. Members may not use Abler with any device, software, or service designed to circumvent technological measures to protect content or other copyrights.

Article 37 (Disclaimer)

1. The Company excludes all warranties, express or implied, including implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, intellectual property rights, or non-infringement of intellectual property rights, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

2. The Company is not responsible for the accuracy of the content provided through Abler.

3. The Company is not responsible for any consequences resulting from use that does not comply with the Terms of Service, service-specific instructions, or other usage standards set by the Company.

4. The Company does not guarantee that the functions included in Abler will meet all of the user's requirements or that temporary interference or errors will not occur when using a computer.

5. When a member uses Abler, unintentional or unexpected problems (diagnosis errors, reduced computer functions, paralysis or malfunction, etc.) may occur on the user's PC. Users must carefully consider these matters when deciding to use Abler. Despite the possibility of such failures, the Company is not responsible for any failures arising from the user's use of Abler unless they are intentional or grossly negligent.

6. The Company is not responsible for problems arising from changes to computer hardware and computer operating systems manufactured after Abler was provided unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of the Company.

7. The Company is not responsible for members not obtaining or losing expected profits using Abler.

8. The Company does not intervene in disputes between members or between users and third parties through Abler and does not compensate for any resulting damages.

9. The Company is not responsible for the Abler provided unless special provisions exist in relevant laws.

10. The Company is not responsible for any damage incurred to members if the Company is unable to provide services due to:

1) Natural disaster or force majeure equivalent thereto;

2) Intentional service interruption by a third party that has entered into a service partnership agreement with the Company to provide services;

3) Interference in using the service due to reasons attributable to the user, such as device environment;

4) Other reasons, including network environments, etc., without intention or negligence of the Company;

Article 38 (Payment and Refund)

1. Members are liable for the usage fee specified within the service website or software according to the agreement.

2. Payment of usage fees is carried out by:

1) Regular payment: A method of prepaying the service fee for one month on the designated payment date every month;

2) Lump sum payment: A method of paying the usage fee before providing each service;

3) Annual payment: A method of paying the service fee for one year at once;

3. If a member's rate plan changes, the payment method remains the same as before, and an additional payment or refund is made after calculating the usage fee, excluding the period of use. Refund methods shall follow the Company's instructions.

4. Members may request a refund from the Company. Refunds shall be processed in accordance with the refund policy for each type of end-user license agreement provided by the Company.

Article 39 (Validity of the Agreement)

1. This Agreement is effective from the date of purchase of the Software and expires simultaneously as all licenses and subscriptions expire according to their respective terms.

2. Members may request cancellation of the entire software at any time, and the Company shall immediately process the request in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Additionally, either party may terminate this Agreement if either party:

1) Does not correct the violation within 30 days of written notice of a material violation of these Terms of Service;

2) Suspends business operations without any follow-up measures;

3) Requests bankruptcy protection, court receivership, collateral trust, debt consolidation agreement, compromise, or other similar legal proceedings or commence such legal proceedings against the Company (if not withdrawn within 60 days);

3. If a member terminates the Agreement under a separate written agreement with a company governing the software, this Agreement shall be automatically terminated, and the user loses all rights to use the software.

Article 40 (Types of Licenses)

1. The Company shares licenses for software within the service website or software, and each type of use is subject to the End User License Agreement.

2. Members should be familiar with the license regulations set forth in the End User License Agreement and use the service within the membership period and license usage scope for each member.

3. Members shall not assign or transfer any rights or licenses granted to themselves under this Agreement without the Company's prior written consent.

4. Unless otherwise agreed by the Company, only one trial license is permitted per licensee.

5. The trial license cannot be extended or renewed after expiration.

6. The Company may change prices or impose new fees for access or use of the software. In this case, Article 3, Paragraph 3 shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Supplementary Provisions

These Terms of Service are effective from August 29, 2024.

These revised Terms of Service replace the previous terms of service, and subscribers who joined the Service before the revision are also subject to the revised Terms of Service.

Company: carpenstreet Inc.
Representative: Minhong Daniel Lee
Address: 7F, 27, Eonju-ro 93-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Mail order business registration number: 2021-SeoulGangnam-04401
KOR Business Registration Number: 364-87-01374 KOR Business information confirmation >
Personal Information Manager: Minhong Daniel Lee
Hosting provided by NHN godo
copyright (c) all rights reserved.